Once I park, where do I go?

Our parking lot is located on the south side of the building. Each entrance into the building has a title above the door signifying which part of the building to enter.


Our Place of Worship

“Welcome to Worship” signifies that you are entering the part of the building where we meet for worship. If you come on Sunday morning, you will be greeted by one of our church family greeters once you enter the building. We also have a Welcome Desk just inside the doors for information.

What to Expect at Our Services

Our worship services entail familiar choruses and hymns with newer praise songs in a worshipful style. We are privileged to have some incredibly talented people involved in our Music Ministries that minister on a regular basis with special music.

The Biblical Text is projected on a screen, however we encourage folks to bring their Bibles. We also provide Bibles at each pew.

Do You Embarrass Guests During the Service?

We generally don’t point out our guests during the service, or ask them to stand up. We provide a Connection Card to be filled out and put into the offering plate. The information helps us keep track of where our visitors come from, what their needs are, and if they’d like to know more about the church.

What About Crying Babies?

We provide couches and chairs in our foyer for parents to comfortably care for their infant. The service is live streamed into the foyer.

Is there a nursery provided?

Our nursery is located across the hall from our Fellowship Hall. The worship service is usually playing on a closed-circuit TV in the nursery, and you are welcome to drop your baby off in the nursery. The nursery has a baby changing station as well as a divider for nursing mothers. If you have any questions, just ask the nursery staff and they will be happy to help!

Do I Have to Put Money in the Offering Plate?

We don’t expect visitors to put money in the offering plate; this is something for regular attenders. No one will look at you funny for not participating. Many regular attenders give through our convenient online giving system, or give bimonthly or monthly, and won’t be putting anything in the plate either.

What do I Wear?

We are more interested in you than we are in what you are wearing. On a typical Sunday morning, most of our people come dressed in business casual but you will also find a wide range. We want you to feel welcomed and comfortable.

Our Place of Fellowship


“Welcome to Fellowship” signifies our Fellowship Hall. This is the part of our building where many of our adult 9:30 AM Bible hour classes meet. Sometimes our people bring in home made treats for their class.

It’s also the same place where we have our AWANA clubs on Wednesday nights during the school year at 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm.

This is the space used for many functions and activities throughout the year.

Our Place of Education & Office


“Welcome to Learn” signifies the part of the building where we have our Ark Preschool/Kindergarten during the week. It’s also the same part of the building where our 9:30 AM children’s Bible hour classes are held.

To learn more about our Ark Preschool/Kindergarten visit the Ark Preschool/Kindergarten page under our Ministries tab.

Our offices are located in the same part of the building as our education department. When you enter into our building through the “Welcome To Learn” section, the offices are located through the doors and up the stairs.

When is the office open?

The office is open Monday - Friday from 7:30 am - 5:00 pm. You can call the office to schedule an appointment with staff or feel free to stop by anytime.


What Happens When I Arrive?

If you’ve come for the 10:30 AM Worship Service, you can go into the Worship Center, there is ample seating in our beautiful 300+ seat Worship Center.

If you’ve come at 6:30 PM on a Wednesday night, there will be an Adult Prayer and Bible study going on in the Worship Center, AWANA Clubs going on in our Fellowship Hall for children ages 3 yrs - 6th grade, and Youth 180 Group going on in our Teen Department for teens grades 7 - 12th. Our Teen Department is located across the hall from the Fellowship Hall, past the nursery and up the stairs.